Last update: 29 December 2020
B-Donor Privacy Policy
B-Donor logo
  1. B-Donor is a free mobile app aiming to save people lives by connecting blood donors with requesters
  2. Not limited to certain race or geographical area
  3. B-Donor is developed by TEQNEIA ICT
  4. B-Donor is saving user's location - during sign up - to send notifications to donors near to requester's hospital
  5. Notifications sent based on location saved during sign up not current location
  6. The app does not track user's location after sign up
  7. TEQNEIA does not sell users info to any entity
  8. B-Donor is a CSR activity to support our world
  9. No ads in B-Donor
  10. TEQNEIA has the right to change privacy terms when needed
  11. If privacy terms changed, current users will be notified through mobile app notification or email